(approved at the First General Meeting of the Association held on 23rd October 1990 and as amended at the 1997, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2013, 2016, 2021 & 2024 AGMs)
The organisation shall be known as ST. HELIER BOAT OWNERS ASSOCIATION.
a) To represent the interests of owners who keep or launch their boats in St. Helier Harbours or Marinas.
b) To seek continued improvements to and maintenance to a high standard of, those harbour facilities available to St. Helier boat owners.
c) To ensure a fair and open system of berth and mooring allocation.
d) To maintain close liaison with the Harbour Authorities and with other Harbour Users.
Shall be open to all who own a boat of any size or type, or maintain an interest in boating within the Island of Jersey, all of whom shall become “Eligible Members” upon payment of the relevant subscription, together with the spouse or partner of an Eligible Member save that in either case that person’s membership shall automatically terminate at the expiration of the year in which such person ceases to be the spouse or partner, as the case may be, of an Eligible Member.
Each Eligible Member will thus be entitled to ONE VOTE on Association issues properly presented at General Meetings.
Membership may be revoked by a simple majority agreement of the Committee (as defined below) if the conduct of an Eligible Member is deemed to be inappropriate, or likely to endanger the reputation of the Association.
Single or Joint memberships are available at subscription rates to be set at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Any Eligible Member wishing to resign as a member can do so by written notice of resignation to the Membership Secretary.
a) The Association shall elect as Officers a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary and there shall be no more than seven additional Committee Members, (the Committee).
b) The Committee shall conduct the business of the Association in accordance with the Objectives and may make any expenditure it deems necessary, including charitable donations and other ex-gratia payments not exceeding £100 in each case and not exceeding £500 in total in any one year. At least two members of the Committee shall approve any payment made by the Association.
c) A quorum at Committee Meetings shall consist of two Officers and three Committee Members. A quorum at General Meetings (Annual or Extraordinary), shall consist of 25 members.
d) The Financial Year of the Association shall end on 30th September each year.
e) Officers and Committee Members will be elected each year at the AGM and shall be eligible for re-election.
f) An Honorary Examiner shall be appointed at each AGM.
g) Eligible Members only may be elected to the Committee.
h) Nominations of Eligible Members who wish to stand for election to the Committee shall be received by the Secretary not less than 14 days prior to the date of the AGM.
i) At the discretion of the Committee, all types of meetings of the Association including Annual General Meetings, Extraordinary General Meetings and meetings of the Committee, may be held by video conference. An Eligible Member who, through such communication system attends a meeting, shall be deemed to be personally present at that meeting for the purposes of Para 4(c).
j) the Association shall at all times maintain a register of Eligible Members.
k) The Honorary Secretary shall keep minutes of all Committee, Annual or Extraordinary Meetings.
Shall be held between the last two weeks of November and the end of January the following year and shall be notified in writing or via e-mail to all Eligible Members no later than 3 weeks prior to the AGM. Such notice will include a summary of matters to be discussed and any potential change to subscription rates.
The business to be carried out shall consist of:
1. Confirmation of the presence of a quorum – 25 Members.
2. Approval of the Minutes of the previous AGM.
3. Presentation of reports from the Chairman and Committee.
4. Presentation and approval of accounts of Hon. Treasurer.
5. Elections for Officers of the Association.
At this point the newly elected Chairman shall take the Chair.
6. Election of Honorary Examiner.
7. Set level of subscriptions for the ensuing year.
8. Propositions and changes to the Rules, which have been submitted for debate and decision.
9. Open meeting for general discussions and suggestions from Eligible Members, but no propositions.
Any TEN Eligible Members of the Association may request the Chairman to call an Extraordinary General Meeting, which he/she shall arrange within 28 days of such a request.
The Annual Subscription for each Eligible Member shall be recommended by the Committee and approved at each AGM, or an EGM as appropriate. Persons joining within three months of the end of the financial year shall be deemed paid up for the ensuing year.
The Committee shall cause proper and sufficient accounting records to be kept in such manner as to give a true and fair view of the state of the Association’s affairs. The Committee shall ensure that accounting records are available for inspection by Eligible Members.
A copy of the accounts together with the Honorary Examiner’s report shall be prepared no later than 14 days prior to the AGM or EGM called to discuss them.
Any changes which Eligible Members may wish to make to these Rules and any Propositions for decision at the Annual General Meeting shall be submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary for inclusion in the agenda not less than 14 days before the date of the AGM.
The Association will always abide with the requirements of the overriding data protection laws currently enforceable in Jersey.
Should the Association be wound up or cease to exist, any residue funds are to be divided equally between any maritime rescue service agreed by majority by the Committee.
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